Friday, January 29, 2010

New Blog

Yep, I'm an obsessed U2 fan and I'm not afraid to admit it. Their music has done just as much, or even more for me than any single person on this planet. Their music has been the theme song to many events in my life as well. My mom and I wouldnt have the unbelievably close relationship we have today if if weren't for U2. I wouldnt have perservered through my parent's ugly divorce if it weren't for U2. I wouldnt be the passioniate person today if it weren't for U2. If it wasnt for the music of 4 Irish boys from the North Side of Dublin, not only my world but our world would be different, and not for the better. It's impossible to describe what these men and their music mean to me in just one blog post, so I guess I'll try to do it over one semester