Thursday, April 8, 2010

City of Blinding Lights

We live in the greatest city in the world. A city overflowing with blinding lights, beautiful people, and many lessons to learn about life. U2 channels everything about New York City and its people into a 5 minute 48 second anthem filled with the uplifiting guitar, inspiring vocals, and passionate drums that are the musical translation of what this city is.
The instrumental first minute itself is one of the highlights of U2's 30 year career filled with Grammys, sold out concerts and masterpiece albums. The soft keyboard, chiming guitar, strong bass, and drums all culminate at the :50 mark to create the best few seconds of music ever created in my mind. But City of Blinding Lights does not disappoint after this euphoric peak.
Bono's vocals are nothing short of beautiful and inspiring. They are filled with lessons he has learned over the years, his voyage into manhood, tributes to his wife, and a reflection on the lit up buildings themselves. All resonating in the chorus, "OH YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT. In the City of Blinding Lights" This song is one of the many classics to be released by this band from the north side of Dublin and if you take anything away from it, just remember that blessings are not just for the ones who kneel, luckily.

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